1FTP-627MCL401/601FTP-627MCL401/601n OverviewThe FTP-627 MCL Series are 24V driven high-speed printers with a ultra low prole auto cutter and long
2FTP-627MCL401/601n ParT NuMberSn SPeCiFiCaTiONSPart NumberEasy Load Model with low prole cutter FTP-627MCL401FTP-627MCL601LSI for driving MCL401 F
3FTP-627MCL401/601*+5˚C to +40˚C printing density assurance rance.Item SpecicationIterface Conforms to RS232C/Centronics / USBPower supply For print
4FTP-627MCL401/6017.55.410.728.3 (29.3MAX.)13.9 (14.4 MAX.)22.113.12544604481.21.627.7Ø1.411°(50~200)21.868.4n FuNCTiON OF iNTerFaCe bOardn diMeNSiO
5FTP-627MCL401/6011.Connector(FPC)specication(CN3/CN10)(1) Connector Mechanical unit side: FPC connector Remote side (housing site): 5261
6FTP-627MCL401/601No. Symbol Signal Name1 PHK Cathode for photo interrupter2 VSEN Paper sensor power3 PHE Emitter for photo interrupter4 VH Head drive
7FTP-627MCL401/601Platen unitThermal headMotorSensor (Photo-interruptor)24, 23, ......2,1Connector No(FPC pin numbers)FPCConnect termin
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