Fujitsu VFY:T1203SF030GB Datasheet

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Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server
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Data Sheet
Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server
For small environments with high demands
PRIMERGY TX industry standard tower servers:
efcient, rock solid, record-breaking performance.
PRIMERGY TX servers benet from over 20
years pioneering work in the eld of Green IT.
That is how TX servers reach industry leading
performance per watt ratios, lowering the
environmental impact and running costs. TX
servers can easily be managed via the free of
charge PRIMERGY ServerView Suite, saving IT
admin costs. That’s efcient performance. Our
made-to-measure service packages take care of
your system every step of the way. Rest assured,
PRIMERGY TX servers are put through 5000 boot
cycles - that’s rock solid performance. PRIMERGY
TX servers are exible systems capable of using
up to two processors and up to 20 hard disks.
Tower to rack mounting kits are available for most
TX systems to help you move to a consolidated
rack infrastructure. TX servers have a tradition of
setting record-breaking performance levels. So,
whether you use them as tower or rack servers, for
le, print or application purposes, you will benet
from record-breaking performance. PRIMERGY TX: a
tower of strength.
PRIMERGY TX120 S3: For small environments
with high demands. It is the perfect server for
environments where space and high server
functionality are crucial. The PRIMERGY TX120 S3
an excellent choice for smaller retail premises,
branch ofces, doctors’ or lawyers’ practices,
nancial services or in other contexts where strict
legal controls apply. None of these companies
can afford to lose their customer records or
even just to keep their customers waiting. The
unique combination of ultra-compact form factor,
Intel® Xeon® processor performance and high
availability features, make it ideal for demanding
environments where space is scarce.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Data Sheet

Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server Page 1 / 7 SheetFujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 ServerFor small environments

Page 2 - Features and Benefits

Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server Page 2 / 7 and BenefitsMain Features Benefits  Its ultra-compact f

Page 3 - Technical details

Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server Page 3 / 7 detailsMainboardMainboard type D3049Processor quantity

Page 4

Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server Page 4 / 7 slots 1 x Low prole (PCI 32-bit / 33 MHz, 5 V)Drive bay

Page 5

Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server Page 5 / 7 / WeightFloor-stand (W x D x H) 98 x 399 x 340 mmDimen

Page 6 - Components

Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server Page 6 / 7 disks HDD SATA, 3 Gb/s, 1000 GB, 7200 rpm, non-

Page 7 - More information

Data Sheet Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX120 S3 Server Page 7 / 7 LIMITEDWebsite: CE-ENFuj

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