C141-E072-01EN ix5.2.1 I/O registers ...
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 33Table 5.5 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE command (4 of 4)*16 Word 83: Support of command setsBit 15: 0Bit 14:
C141-E072-01EN5 - 34(13) IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA (X'EE')When this command is not used to transfer data to the host in DMA mode, this commandfunc
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 35Table 5.6 Features register values and settable modesFeatures Register Drive operation modeX‘02’ Enables the write cache function
C141-E072-01EN5 - 36At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 11F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H(SC)1F1H
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 37(15) SET MULTIPLE MODE (X'C6')This command enables the device to perform the READ MULTIPLE and WRITE MULTIPLEcommands.
C141-E072-01EN5 - 38Regarding software reset, the mode set prior to software reset is retained after software reset.The parameters for the multiple co
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 39Table 5.7 Diagnostic codeCode Result of diagnosticX‘01’X‘03’X‘05’X‘8x’No error detected.Data buffer compare errorROM sum check er
C141-E072-01EN5 - 40The READ LONG command supports only single sector operation.At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 0 0 1 0 0
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 41At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 R1F6H(DH)×L×DV Head No. /LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H
C141-E072-01EN5 - 42At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H
C141-E072-01ENx5.6.3.5 Device terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst... 5 - 925.6.3.6 Host
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 43(22) IDLE (X'97' or X'E3')Upon receipt of this command, the device sets the BSY bit of the Status register, a
C141-E072-01EN5 - 44At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 45(24) STANDBY (X'96' or X'E2')Upon receipt of this command, the device sets the BSY bit of the Status register
C141-E072-01EN5 - 46At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) X'94' or X'E0'1F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 47At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2
C141-E072-01EN5 - 48At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) X'98' or X'E5'1F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 49Table 5.8 Features Register values (subcommands) and functionsFeatures Resister FunctionX’D0’ SMART Read Attribute Values:A devi
C141-E072-01EN5 - 50Alternative, the device must issue the SMART Enable-Disable Attribute AutoSavesubcommand (FR register = D2h) to use a feature whic
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 51The attribute value information is 512-byte data; the format of this data is shown below. Thehost can access this data using the
C141-E072-01EN5 - 52Table 5.10 Format of insurance failure threshold value dataByte Item0001Data format version number02Attribute 1 Attribute ID03 In
C141-E072-01EN xiFIGURESpage1.1 Current fluctuation (Typ.) when power is turned on... 1 - 72.1 Dis
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 53• Attribute IDThe attribute ID is defined as follows:Attribute ID Attribute name0 (Indicates unused attribute data.)1 Read error
C141-E072-01EN5 - 54• Raw attribute valueRaw attributes data is retained.• Failure prediction capability flagBit 0: The attribute value data is saved
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 55(29) FLUSH CACHE (X ‘E7’)This command is use by the host to request the device to flush the write cache. If the writecache is to
C141-E072-01EN5 - 56(30) SECURITY DISABLE PASSWORD (F6h)This command invalidates the user password already set and releases the lock function.The host
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 57At command issuance (I-O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 01F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H(SC)1F1
C141-E072-01EN5 - 58At command issuance (I-O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 11F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H(SC)1F1H
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 59At command issuance (I-O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 01F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H(SC)1F1
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 61Table 5.12 Contents of SECURITY SET PASSWORD dataWord Contents0 Control wordBit 0 Identifier0 = Sets a user password.1 = Sets a
C141-E072-01EN5 - 62At command issuance (I-O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 11F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H(SC)1F1H
C141-E072-01ENxii5.3 Protocol for command abort... 5 - 695.4 W
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 63At command issuance (I-O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 01F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H(SC)1F1
C141-E072-01EN5 - 64At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 11F6H(DH)×L×DV Max head/LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(S
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 65At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)× × ×DV Max head/LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)1F4
C141-E072-01EN5 - 665.3.3 Error postingTable 5.14 lists the defined errors that are valid for each command.Table 5.14 Command code and parametersComma
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 675.4 Command ProtocolThe host should confirm that the BSY bit of the Status register of the device is 0 prior to issuea command. I
C141-E072-01EN5 - 68Status readStatus read*1 When the IDD receives a command that hits the cache data during read-ahead, and transfers data from
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 69Note:For transfer of a sector of data, the host needs to read Status register (X'1F7') in order toclear INTRQ (interrup
C141-E072-01EN5 - 70a) The host writes any required parameters to the Features, Sector Count, Sector Number,Cylinder, and Device/Head registers.b) The
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 71Note:For transfer of a sector of data, the host needs to read Status register (X'1F7') in order toclear INTRQ (interrup
C141-E072-01EN5 - 725.4.4 Other commands• READ MULTIPLE• SLEEP• WRITE MULTIPLESee the description of each command.5.4.5 DMA data transfer commands• RE
C141-E072-01EN xiiiTABLESpage1.1 Specifications ...
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 73Status readExpandedgfec, daCommandBSYINTRQDRDY~Parameter writeDRQData transfer• •• •DRQ[Multiword DMA transfer]• • • •DMACK-DMARQ
C141-E072-01EN5 - 745.5 Ultra DMA feature set5.5.1 OverviewUltra DMA is a data transfer protocol used with the READ DMA and WRITE DMAcommands. When t
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 755.5.2 Phases of operationAn Ultra DMA data transfer is accomplished through a series of Ultra DMA data in or data outbursts. Eac
C141-E072-01EN5 - 7611) The device shall drive the first word of the data transfer onto DD (15:0). This step mayoccur when the device first drives DD
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 773) The device shall stop generating DSTROBE edges within tRFS of the host negatingHDMARDY-.4) If the host negates HDMARDY- within
C141-E072-01EN5 - 7810) The device shall latch the host's CRC data from DD (15:0) on the negating edge ofDMACK-.11) The device shall compare the
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 7910) If the host has not placed the result of its CRC calculation on DD (15:0) since firstdriving DD (15:0) during (9), the host s
C141-E072-01EN5 - 809) The device shall assert DDMARDY- within tLI after the host has negated STOP. Afterasserting DMARQ and DDMARDY- the device shal
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 81b) Device pausing an Ultra DMA data out burst1) The device shall not pause an Ultra DMA burst until at least one data word of an
C141-E072-01EN5 - 829) The device shall compare the CRC data received from the host with the results of itsown CRC calculation. If a miscompare error
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C141-E072-01EN 5 - 8311) The device shall compare the CRC data received from the host with the results of itsown CRC calculation. If a miscompare err
C141-E072-01EN5 - 84I) The CRC generator polynomial is : G (X) = X16 + X12 + X5 + 1.Note: Since no bit clock is available, the recommended approach
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 855.6 Timing5.6.1 PIO data transferFigure 5.8 shows of the data transfer timing between the device and the host system.t6t12t11t10t
C141-E072-01EN5 - 865.6.2 Multiword data transferFigure 5.9 shows the multiword DMA data transfer timing between the device and the hostsystem.tFtEtHt
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 875.6.3 Ultra DMA data transferFigures 5.10 through 5.19 define the timings associated with all phases of Ultra DMA bursts.Table 5.
C141-E072-01EN5 - 885.6.3.2 Ultra DMA data burst timing requirementsTable 5.16 Ultra DMA data burst timing requirements (1 of 2)NAME MODE 0(in ns)MODE
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 89Table 5.16 Ultra DMA data burst timing requirements (2 of 2)NAME MODE 0(in ns)MODE 1(in ns)MODE 2(in ns)MODE 3(in ns)MODE 4(in ns
C141-E072-01EN5 - 905.6.3.3 Sustained Ultra DMA data in burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.Note:DD (15:0
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 915.6.3.4 Host pausing an Ultra DMA data in burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.Notes:
C141-E072-01EN5 - 925.6.3.5 Device terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.N
C141-E072-01EN 1 - 1CHAPTER 1 DEVICE OVERVIEW1.1 Features1.2 Device Specifications1.3 Power Requirements1.4 Environmental Specifications1.5 Acoustic
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 935.6.3.6 Host terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.No
C141-E072-01EN5 - 945.6.3.7 Initiating an Ultra DMA data out burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.Note:The
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 955.6.3.8 Sustained Ultra DMA data out burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.Note:DD (15
C141-E072-01EN5 - 965.6.3.9 Device pausing an Ultra DMA data out burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.Note
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 975.6.3.10 Host terminating an Ultra DMA data out burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.
C141-E072-01EN5 - 985.6.3.11 Device terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst5.6.3.2 contains the values for the timings for each of the Ultra DMA Modes.
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 995.6.4 Power-on and resetFigure 5.20 shows power-on and reset (hardware and software reset) timing.(1) Only master device is prese
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C141-E072-01EN 6 - 1CHAPTER 6 OPERATIONS6.1 Device Response to the Reset6.2 Address Translation6.3 Power Save6.4 Defect Management6.5 Read-Ahead Cach
C141-E072-01EN6 - 26.1.1 Response to power-onAfter the master device (device 0) releases its own power-on reset state, the master deviceshall check a
C141-E072-01EN1 - 2(4) Average positioning timeUse of a rotary voice coil motor in the head positioning mechanism greatly increases thepositioning spe
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 36.1.2 Response to hardware resetResponse to RESET- (hardware reset through the interface) is similar to the power-on reset.Upon re
C141-E072-01EN6 - 46.1.3 Response to software resetThe master device does not check the DASP- signal for a software reset. If a slave device ispresen
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 56.1.4 Response to diagnostic commandWhen the master device receives an EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC command and theslave device is pr
C141-E072-01EN6 - 66.2 Address TranslationWhen the IDD receives any command which involves access to the disk medium, the IDDalways implements the ad
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 76.2.2 Logical address(1) CHS modeLogical address assignment starts from physical cylinder (PC) 0, physical head (PH) 0, andphysica
C141-E072-01EN6 - 8(2) LBA modeLogical address assignment in the LBA mode starts from physical cylinder 0, physical head 0,and physical sector 1. The
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 9(1) Active modeIn this mode, all the electric circuit in the device are active or the device is under seek, read orwrite operation
C141-E072-01EN6 - 10• INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS command• CHECK POWER MODE command(4) Sleep modeThe power consumption of the drive is minimal in thi
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 116.4.1 Spare areaFollowing two types of spare area are provided in the user space.1) Spare sector for sector slip:used for alterna
C141-E072-01EN6 - 12(2) Alternate cylinder assignmentA defective sector is assigned to the spare sector in the alternate cylinder.This processing is p
C141-E072-01EN 1 - 3(5) Error correction and retry by ECCIf a recoverable error occurs, the disk drive itself attempts error recovery. The 40 bytes E
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 136.5 Read-Ahead CacheAfter a read command which reads the data from the disk medium is completed, the read-ahead cache function re
C141-E072-01EN6 - 146.5.2 Caching operationThe caching operation is performed only at receipt of the following commands. The devicetransfers data fro
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 156.5.3 Usage of read segmentThis subsection explains the usage of the read segment buffer at following cases.(1) Miss-hit (no hit)
C141-E072-01EN6 - 16(3) Sequential readWhen the disk drive receives the read command that targets the sequential address to theprevious read command,
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 17b. Sequential hitWhen the last sector address of the previous read command is sequential to the lead sectoraddress of the receive
C141-E072-01EN6 - 18(3) Full hit (hit all)All requested data are stored in the data buffer. The disk drive starts transferring the requesteddata from
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 191) The disk drive sets the HAP to the address where the partially hit data is stored, and setsthe DAP to the address just after t
C141-E072-01EN6 - 206.6 Write CacheThe write cache function of the drive makes a high speed processing in the case that data to bewritten by a write c
C141-E072-01EN 6 - 21At the time that the drive has stopped the command execution after the error recovery hasfailed, the write cache function is disa
FUJITSU LIMITEDBusiness PlanningSolid Square East Tower580 Horikawa-cho,Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki,210-0913, JapanTEL: 81-44-540-4056FAX: 81-44-540-4123FUJIT
C141-E072-01EN1 - 41.2 Device Specifications1.2.1 Specifications summaryTable 1.1 shows the specifications of the disk drive.Table 1.1 SpecificationsM
Reader Comment FormWe would appreciate your comments and suggestions for improving this publication.Publication No. Rev. Letter Title Current DateHow
C141-E072-01EN iREVISION RECORDEdition Date published Revised contents01 Feb., 1999Specification No.: C141-E072-**ENThe contents of this manual is su
C141-E072-01EN 1 - 51.2.2 Model and product numberTable 1.2 lists the model names and product numbers.Table 1.2 Model names and product numbersModel N
C141-E072-01EN1 - 6(3) Current Requirements and Power DissipationTable 1.3 lists the current and power dissipation.Table 1.3 Current and power dissipa
C141-E072-01EN 1 - 7(4) Current fluctuation (Typ.) when power is turned onNote:Maximum current is 2.3 A.Figure 1.1 Current fluctuation (Typ.) when pow
C141-E072-01EN1 - 81.4 Environmental SpecificationsTable 1.4 lists the environmental specifications.Table 1.4 Environmental specificationsTemperature•
C141-E072-01EN 1 - 91.6 Shock and VibrationTable 1.6 lists the shock and vibration specification.Table 1.6 Shock and vibration specificationVibration
C141-E072-01EN1 - 10(4) Data assurance in the event of power failureExcept for the data block being written to, the data on the disk media is assured
C141-E072-01EN 2 - 1CHAPTER 2 DEVICE CONFIGURATION2.1 Device Configuration2.2 System Configuration2.1 Device ConfigurationFigure 2.1 shows the disk d
C141-E072-01EN2 - 2(1) DiskThe outer diameter of the disk is 95 mm. The inner diameter is 25 mm. The number of disksused varies with the model, as d
C141-E072-01EN 2 - 32.2 System Configuration2.2.1 ATA interfaceFigures 2.2 and 2.3 show the ATA interface system configuration. The drive has a 40-pi
C141-E072-01EN2 - 4IMPORTANTHA (host adapter) consists of address decoder, driver, and receiver.ATA is an abbreviation of "AT attachment".
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C141-E072-01EN 3 - 1CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION CONDITIONS3.1 Dimensions3.2 Mounting3.3 Cable Connections3.4 Jumper Settings3.1 DimensionsFigure 3.1 illus
C141-E072-01EN3 - 2Figure 3.1 Dimensions
C141-E072-01EN 3 - 33.2 Mounting(1) OrientationFigure 3.2 illustrates normal orientation for the disk drive. The disk drives can be mounted inany ori
C141-E072-01EN3 - 4Figure 3.3 Limitation of side-mountingFigure 3.4 Mounting frame structure5.0 or less4.5 orless2BFrame of systemcabinetDetails of BD
C141-E072-01EN 3 - 5(4) Ambient temperatureThe temperature conditions for a disk drive mounted in a cabinet refer to the ambienttemperature at a point
C141-E072-01EN3 - 6(5) Service areaFigure 3.6 shows how the drive must be accessed (service areas) during and after installation.Figure 3.6 Service ar
C141-E072-01EN 3 - 73.3 Cable Connections3.3.1 Device connectorThe disk drive has the connectors and terminals listed below for connecting external de
C141-E072-01EN3 - 83.3.2 Cable connector specificationsTable 3.2 lists the recommended specifications for the cable connectors for Host system thatdo
C141-E072-01EN 3 - 93.3.4 Power supply connector (CN1)Figure 3.9 shows the pin assignment of the power supply connector (CN1).(Viewed from cable side)
C141-E072-01EN3 - 10openConnector 2Connector 1System BoardConnectorPin 2 (Ground)Pin 19 (Ground)Pin 22 (Ground)Pin 24 (Ground)Pin 26 (Ground)Positio
C141-E072-01EN iiiPREFACEThis manual describes the MPD3xxxAH series, a 3.5-inch hard disk drive with a BUILT-IN controllerthat is compatible with the
C141-E072-01EN 3 - 11openHost detected CBLID- below VILHost Device 0Device 1with 80-conductor cablewith 40-conductor cablePDIAG-: CBLID- conductor PDI
C141-E072-01EN3 - 123.4 Jumper Settings3.4.1 Location of setting jumpersFigure 3.13 shows the location of the jumpers to select drive configuration an
C141-E072-01EN 3 - 133.4.2 Factory default settingFigure 3.14 shows the default setting position at the factory. (Master device setting)Figure 3.14 Fa
C141-E072-01EN3 - 14CSEL connected to the interface cable selectioncan be done by the special interface cable.864297531Figure 3.16 Jumper setting of C
C141-E072-01EN 3 - 15(3) Special jumper settings(a) 2.1 GB clip (Limit capacity to 2.1 GB)If the drive cannot be recognized by system with legacy BIOS
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C141-E072-01EN 4 - 1CHAPTER 4 THEORY OF DEVICE OPERATION4.1 Outline4.2 Subassemblies4.3 Circuit Configuration4.4 Power-on sequence4.5 Self-calibratio
C141-E072-01EN4 - 24.2.2 HeadFigure 4.1 shows the read/write head structures. The Numerals 0 to 7 indicate read/writeheads. These heads are raised f
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 34.2.5 Air filterThere are two types of air filters: a breather filter and a circulation filter.The breather filter makes an air i
C141-E072-01EN4 - 44.3 Circuit ConfigurationFigure 4.2 shows the disk drive circuit configuration.(1) Read/write circuitThe read/write circuit consist
iv C141-E072-01ENConventions for Alert MessagesThis manual uses the following conventions to show the alert messages. An alert message consists ofan
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 5Figure 4.2 MPD3xxxAH Block diagram
C141-E072-01EN4 - 64.4 Power-on SequenceFigure 4.3 describes the operation sequence of the disk drive at power-on. The outline isdescribed below.a) A
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 7c)b)a)Release heads fromactuator lockConfirming spindle motorspeedSelf-diagnosis 2• Data buffer write/read testThe spindle moto
C141-E072-01EN4 - 84.5 Self-calibrationThe disk drive occasionally performs self-calibration in order to sense and calibratemechanical external forces
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 94.5.2 Execution timing of self-calibrationSelf-calibration is executed when:• The power is turned on.• The disk drive receives the
C141-E072-01EN4 - 104.6 Read/write CircuitThe read/write circuit consists of the read/write preamplifier (PreAMP), the write circuit, theread circuit,
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 11Figure 4.4 Read/write circuit block diagram
C141-E072-01EN4 - 124.6.3 Read circuitThe head read signal from the PreAMP is regulated by the automatic gain control (AGC)circuit. Then the output i
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 134.6.4 Time base generator circuitThe drive uses constant density recording to increase total capacity. This is different from th
C141-E072-01EN4 - 144.7.1 Servo control circuitFigure 4.5 is the block diagram of the servo control circuit. The following describes thefunctions of
C141-E072-01EN vLIABILITY EXCEPTION"Disk drive defects" refers to defects that involve adjustment, repair, or replacement.Fujitsu is not lia
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 15c. Seek to specified cylinderDrives the VCM to position the head to the specified cylinder.d. CalibrationSenses and stores the th
C141-E072-01EN4 - 16(2) Servo burst capture circuitThe four servo signals can be synchronously detected by the STROB signal, full-waverectified integr
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 174.7.2 Data-surface servo formatFigure 4.6 describes the physical layout of the servo frame. The three areas indicated by (1) to(
C141-E072-01EN4 - 18POSCPADPOSDPOSBPOSA2.85 µs0.45 µs2.80 µsWrite/readRecovery1.80 µs1.80 µs1.80 µs1.80 µs0.60 µsGray CodeSMK1 SMK20.60 µsServoFrameDA
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 19(3) Gray code (including index bit)This area is used as cylinder address. The data in this area is converted into the binary dat
C141-E072-01EN4 - 20The MPU feeds the VCM current via the D/A converter and power amplifier to move thehead. The MPU calculates the difference (speed
C141-E072-01EN 4 - 21(2) Acceleration modeIn this mode, the MPU stops to send the phase switching signal to the SVC. The SVC starts aphase switching
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C141-E072-01EN 5 - 1CHAPTER 5 INTERFACE5.1 Physical Interface5.2 Logical Interface5.3 Host Commands5.4 Command Protocol5.5 Ultra DMA feature set5.6 T
C141-E072-01EN5 - 25.1 Physical Interface5.1.1 Interface signalsTable 5.1 shows the interface signals.Table 5.1 Interface signalsDescription Host Dir
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C141-E072-01EN 5 - 35.1.2 Signal assignment on the connectorTable 5.2 shows the signal assignment on the interface connector.Table 5.2 Signal assignme
C141-E072-01EN5 - 4[signal] [I/O] [Description]DIOR– I DIOR– is the strobe signal asserted by the host to read deviceregisters or the data port.HDMARD
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 5[signal] [I/O] [Description]IORDY O This signal is negated to extend the host transfer cycle of any hostregister access (Read or W
C141-E072-01EN5 - 65.2 Logical InterfaceThe device can operate for command execution in either address-specified mode; cylinder-head-sector (CHS) or
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 7Table 5.3 I/O registersI/O registersRead operation Write operationCommand block registers1 0 0 0 0 Data Data X'1F0'1 0 0
C141-E072-01EN5 - 85.2.2 Command block registers(1) Data register (X'1F0')The Data register is a 16-bit register for data block transfer bet
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 9[Diagnostic code]X'01': No Error Detected.X'02': HDC Register Compare ErrorX'03': Data Buffer Compar
C141-E072-01EN5 - 10(6) Cylinder Low register (X'1F4')The contents of this register indicates low-order 8 bits of the starting cylinder addr
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 11(9) Status register (X'1F7')The contents of this register indicate the status of the device. The contents of this regi
C141-E072-01EN5 - 12- Bit 3: Data Request (DRQ) bit. This bit indicates that the device is ready to transferdata of word unit or byte unit between th
C141-E072-01EN viiCONTENTSpageCHAPTER 1 DEVICE OVERVIEW ... 1 - 11.1 F
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 135.2.3 Control block registers(1) Alternate Status register (X'3F6')The Alternate Status register contains the same info
C141-E072-01EN5 - 145.3.1 Command code and parametersTable 5.4 lists the supported commands, command code and the registers that neededparameters are
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 15Table 5.4 Command code and parameters (2 of 2)Command code (Bit) Parameters used7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FR SC SN CY DHSTANDBY IMMEDIATE 1
C141-E072-01EN5 - 165.3.2 Command descriptionsThe contents of the I/O registers to be necessary for issuing a command and the exampleindication of the
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 17Note:1. When the L bit is specified to 1, the lower 4 bits of the DH register and all bits of theCH, CL and SN registers indicate
C141-E072-01EN5 - 18At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)×L×DV End head No. /LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)1
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 19Figure 5.1 shows an example of the execution of the READ MULTIPLE command.• Block count specified by SET MULTIPLE MODE command =
C141-E072-01EN5 - 20(3) READ DMA (X'C8' or X'C9')This command operates similarly to the READ SECTOR(S) command except for followin
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 21At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)×L×DV End head No. /LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)
C141-E072-01EN5 - 22At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)×L×DV End head No. /LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)1
C141-E072-01ENviii3.4 Jumper Settings ... 3
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 23At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)×L×DV End head No. /LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)
C141-E072-01EN5 - 24The contents of the command block registers related to addresses after the transfer of a datablock containing an erred sector are
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 251) Multiword DMA transfer mode 2:Sets the FR register = X'03' and SC register = X'22' by the SET FEATURES co
C141-E072-01EN5 - 26At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)1F7H(ST) Status information1F6H(DH)×L×DV End head No. /LBA [MSB]1F5H(CH)1
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 27(10) SEEK (X'7x', x : X'0' to X'F')This command performs a seek operation to the track and selects
C141-E072-01EN5 - 28(11) INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS (X'91')The host system can set the number of sectors per track and the maximum head nu
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 29At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)1F7H(CM) 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 01F6H(DH)× × ×DV xx1F5H(CH)1F4H(CL)1F3H(SN)1F2H(SC)1F1
C141-E072-01EN5 - 30Table 5.5 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE command (1 of 4)Word Value Description0 X‘045A’ General Configuration *11 *2
C141-E072-01EN 5 - 31Table 5.5 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE command (2 of 4)*1 Word 0: General configurationBit 15: 0 = ATA device 0Bit
C141-E072-01EN5 - 32Table 5.5 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE command (3 of 4)*10 Word 59: Transfer sector count currently set by READ/WRITE
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